Paris For One

Paris is considered to be the most romantic city in the world. But what do you do when you are visiting it alone? Easy - you do a romantic photoshoot For One! First of all, you won't be doing it alone, your Paris Photographer will be there with you having a great time and sharing all the fun stories from all the places you'll visit during your photoshoot. I'm not a tour guide, but I know a thing or two about my city ;)

For this 1 hour sunrise Personal Portrait mini-session we chose Trocadero with the best view of the Eiffel Tower. After a series of photos there we took an Uber ride to my second favorite Parisian destination - Pont Alexandre III, which is a gorgeous bridge gifted to France by my home country Russia! The combination of these two locations fits perfectly into an hour session if you don't want to do a change of clothes. Besides, who would want to change this stunning Elie Saab dress anyway!